Saturday, January 29, 2022


If only you carry one thing through out your entire life......LET IT BE HOPE!

Let it be Hope that better things are always ahead.....Let it be Hope that you can get through the toughest of times....Let it be Hope that you can be stronger than any challenge that comes your way.....Let it be Hope that you are exactly where you are meant to be right now.....and you are on the path to where you are meant to be.....Because, during thses times , Hope will be the very thing that carries you through....

The world is in such a mess.....Biden is no president...and the vice president...she is even a bigger nothing!  War with Russia is gettng closer....the covid pandemic not slowing down....higher gas, food, and living costs rising every on off....masks on....masks off.   Killing policemen every punishment! I bet GOD is unhappy and I am just going with the Hope he has a plan for us....because our poor children and grandchildren don't have much to look forward to........I am greatful for all I have......and Hope the big scare on my face eventually heals.......HOPE......Yes, Hope is necssary to get us through life.


February is almost up on us.....the end of another week and the end of another month.....that is how our life passes.  My sweet second sister was born in February....she is gone and we all miss her.....she promised when she died she would drop pennies for us to know she was with us....and so often and just when we need it.....a penny turns up...and we alays know "aunt Jo" is with us.
Been a long week....Cleaned my house Monday for the cleaning ladies....they cleaned my house Tuesday for the cleaning ladies! Wednesday Sherrie brought Olivia over for a visit....cutting teeth and would have nothing to do with me.....So cute and growing so fast....8 months now.
Thursday....Pam and I off to lunch and shop for me a new rug.....I got sick at home for a nap....don't know why it happened and fine Friday Pam took me to AT check out the a cute one and Pam put it down for me.....done with my Spring house cleaning now! Now here we are to a very quiet weekend ....cold but sunny and 40 degrees.


Wednesday, January 19, 2022


I have loved this poem since I first read it in high school......
Marriage is hard......
Divorce is hard.......
Choose your hard......
If you have been there...done will have to make the  hard choice and pay the consequences for your choice.
Obesity is hard.......
Being fit is hard work.......
Choose your hard......
Most cases you can controll your weight.....yes, it is hard
Being healthy and fit means self control.....up early to exercise....watching your diet....and learning to say "no" is hard.......
Choose your hard.
Debt is hard.....
Financially Disciplaned is hard
Choose your hard.....
Most of us over spend and regret it.....a budget with good intensions is not easy is hard
Debt or incontroll of your finances
Choose the hard.....
I could go on and on....but I think you get the is hard for everyone.
Life will never be will always be hard.....
But we can choose our hard!



Alex and Ashlyn's precious little Lexie died suddenly...she was absolutely their baby dog.....they never went anywhere without her.....they could take her......Two weeks ago they did leave her with me while they went on a cruise........I enjoyed her so  much. We are all so sad for them.
Pam asked me today if I would teach her and her pickle ball ladies how to play bridge,,,,hope I remember it...I miss bridge and the fun friends I had for so many years....but just not up to it now days.
I am still bandageing my face does not hurt.....but looks awful.....Poor Karrie was having the scare lasiered on on cheek and ended up being alergic to the medicine and swoll up like a ballon....she is so sick!.....I feel so bad for her.....My family has really had it's share lately.....



Life is so much easier when you are positive!
In a NLP seminar I took a while back....I learned to "REFRAME" a problem...that is if you feel negative about some thing and it is up setting you.....try thinking about it positively.....and see how much better you feel.......Reframe your helps......  even a flat pancake has two sides.
My Christmas present from the Panniers came today......A monitor to wear in case I fall...the kids worry with me living alone now.....and approching the big 90......number!  It is water proof.....has a neck button and a wrist one so you can charge the neck one.  A lock for the front door to put your key in for emergency entering if you cannot open for perimedics.....I do not want to fall and break something......Pam set it all up for me....and even brought lunch from Cafe Rio.....


Sunday, January 16, 2022


79 years ago......Mother had her fourth child...after 3 little girls.....we were really hopeing for a boy....BUT.....we go another sister.....I was 11  years old so got to baby sit a lot!  We shared a room growing up and have  many fun memories of those times.  This is Leslie with her four children....Mike....Kristie...Kevin and Dukane......and my go to now days.  Happy Birthday little sister.
Sherrie called and I get Ken for a week next Sunday......and the two dogs....she and a friend are off to Hawaii.
Ivan and Gay brought me over some goodies....Hohn and Suzanne both came by.....and we all had a nice Sunday evening lucky to have wonderful neighbors.
My face is still amess....but grateful no pain.......


Saturday, January 8, 2022


A first......Alex and Ashlyn.....Now I am not only tending my girls dogs but the grand kids dogs. The kids went on a cruise with Sherrie and I have Lexie for a week...due home tomorrow.....and she will be glad....pretty dull at  grams house....she is a sweet little thing and really no have enjoyed the company......
Sweet neigbors have broght in food and offered lots of lucky.



Boy, the older you get the more of your parts wear out........with no warrenty!
As usual this week got by without me bloging it... Monday......Pam came home from the Rose Bowl and picked up Bree, had her all week.  Tuesday.....A Dr, appointment for a scratch and burn for cancer on the face .  Wednesday....rainy and cold so stayed home....Thursday.... Got a hair cut and some groceries....Friday...another Dr. appointment for a Mohs treatment on my face....Wow what a long day....went in at 8 and five tries and 8 hours later....they felt they got all the cancer!
All day on my back.....water but no food.....and the bandage I came home with is scary. Have a black eye and swollen face and don't want to see a needle or smell burning flesh again.....So today barely moving...


Sunday, January 2, 2022


I hope to start out this new year and be the best of the best!  Kind...good...patient...helpful...understanding... forgiving and I have asked God to help me......I am at the point in life.....when I realize I need help in many areas.....but so thankful I can still live alone and drive myself to doctor appointments and the store.....and church.  I have wonderful family and neighbors that help take care of me.....I am so grateful for so much.....and the opportunity to reach 90 wonderful years...almost.
Have a busy week....two Dr. appointments, hair cut, dog tending and putting Christmas away....New resolution......keep up with my blog better than I was doing......clean closets, and be more positive as I watch Biden take our country down to hell.....I realize God is still in charge....and "it is what it is"......


HAPPY NEW YEARS....a day late!

Gone are the days when celebrating New Years was a big deal.....a new dress, a late reservation at a nice restrauant....and I was usually alone with the group of friends....Don always flying!  This year I managed to stay awake until ten and the ball dropped in New York...what a difference a few years makes .......But welcome 2022 and I know it will be better than more cancer or divorces and illness cured in all of us....a new baby to look forward to and Sherrie's business success.  We are having a very cold and snowy holiday....but need the water.
Was so happy to have Brayden stay all night and take me to dinner last Thursday,,,,as Libby got her flight cancelled in Denver....and he had to get up at 3:30 to head to his job at the ski resort.....
start blasting for avalances.....I have had Bree all week while Panniers went to Rose Bowl game....and Ashlyn ask me to tend Lexie next week while she and Alex go on a weeks cruise with Sherrie and Ken... become the family dog sitter.....Alex and Ashlyn stayed all night with me last night and  helped put the Christmas tree down.......Sher and Ken came by this morning...they had stayed all night with Brayden but wanted to leave one car and the dog took Uber to the many flights being cancelled because of pilot shortage ....the viris....and bad weather....glad My flying days are over......Rob flew back to Detroit from LA and Pam called she was in St. George and would be home tomorrow......Haven't heard if the Cooks got home from Hawaii or not......OH...HAPPY NEEW YEAR!