Saturday, October 3, 2020


Old is a good time to dream......A dream give us purpose and passion, and something to look forward to and work toward .   A dream energizes us, sustains us and puts everything in  perspective.  A dream lifts us up when difficulties threaten to drag us down.  Let the dreamer in you shine!  I still dream of traveling to the parts of the world I did not get to.....but actually I know it is just a dream.....I am not up to it.  I love my own bed....and kids and neighbors and daily schedule....But I do remember the excitement and fun it was to plan a trip with Ann and have something exciting to look forward to...Morrocco...Tahati....Bali.....Israel and Cape Town etc. Those were the good ole days....when I didn't hurt all over and the world was in a better place.


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