Friday, October 9, 2020


One in every crowd??????
Halloween won't be the same this year...who wants their little one exposed to the viris and eating stuff from strangers.....but they look so cute in their costumes and love to dress up and show off.....and get goodies!  My great-grandkids are already feeling the change of so many things we just took for granite....good things like Trick and Treating!
Had a great Sherrie spent the morning with me.....don't see much of her now days.....then my sister Leslie, daughter Kristi and nephew's wife Kathy all went to lunch at the Porkepine for lunch...wonderful bread bowl of beer and cheese and a fun visit.....on their patio.
There is absolutely nothing like close family when you need a lift.....Pam came by yesterday with a drink and a gift and a good visit.....I don't see a lot of her.....and Tuesday Karrie came over to see the new puppy and pick up a birthday gift to Scotty for me.  I am very grateful for each every visit I get from my loved ones....I know they are busy and have a life!

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