Thursday, October 22, 2020

OH MY....

Oh how I love the people who put up with neighbors......friends from my other life....the 30 years I was married......not many of them left....which I look back on and realize they were not real friends..the kind I need.  Now I have great REAL neighbors...who would do anything for you .....any time.....SO good to learn what real friends are......Suzanne, Gay, Hohn, Hilda etc.....always helping....always sharing ......always caring.......Then my cancer brought Karrie and I back together  and made all kinds of good things happen.....Ken an Brayden moved in and helped me along the way!!!!!Sherrie and Pam always working to pull it all together....I am closer to 89 than I am 88 and thankful for everyday....but know I won't last forever....I just hope my kids are proud of me and know I have tried to always set a good example......let them know how proud of them I am.......I am sorry their father did not care about them......he is the looser.

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