Friday, June 21, 2019


After I became single and was doing my travel thing......I got involved in a group in the city called "International Travelers"  .....we were asked to host out- of- town visitors to SLC for an evening.  The foreigners loved to be invited into your home and see how we live....our customs, food etc.  The first group I had was four ladies and their interpreter from Morocco????  My travel partner Ann Moseley helped me at my house.....They were four of the greatest ladies I had ever was a lawyer, one a TV announcer.....and I am not sure what the other two did....of course we did not speak the same language....but somehow that did not matter....we ended up on my patio .....them teaching us how to belly dance with a tape they had brought.  We were to present them with a little I gave them each a "wind chime".....with a note that said....."The same wind that blows over my house blows over yours sending my love and good wishes".....The favorite gift I got of them gave me a little metal shoe.....with the Cinderella story of;.....To get the other one I had to visit her home>>>>how great was that.....?
Another fun group was four News Paper people from RUSSIA......Rob and Pam helped me host them......they spoke English....I gave them the same gift....Just some of the fun experiences I have had that have helped make me me.......\
Then I wonder why I keep turning down cold potatoe salad and pork and beans in the churches patio parties every year.......????? These people would never understand.......

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