Monday, June 24, 2019


I am determined to keep recording my past for the future generations to enjoy my great adventures.....and inspire them to never stop living it all.....I must tell you about my fun adventures of being a "speaker" on Cunard Cruise line.....just wanted to see if I could.....met a lady on a cruise who got me a connection.....I had an agent who set it all up for me......I was accepted and assigned a cruise.....Sherrie would not let me go alone so she went with me on my first one.....Alex was a baby and Darren tended him???? Every day he went to KMART in Vernal and bought him a clean outfit instead of washing????? Sher and I got the cruise free....BUT....... by the time you pay your agent fee, your airline ticket, the Boarding fee big a deal was it?  Anyway it was a fun experience and I choose to speak under the umbrella of "LIFE ENRICHMENT"...I had just finished getting my Master's in NLP and used my new leaned knowledge to pass on to others....I also did a second speaking tour with Conard and ANN went with me......Then i decided it was easier just paying for your Cruise and enjoying the vacation....But it is fun to say......'YES, I DID IT!"

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