Saturday, June 29, 2019


As I reviewed my thoughts on Ecuador......I felt I had so many more memories of that wonderful trip.
Ann and I tried to exchange some money as soon as we got there......we always did that......only to find they had just changed to using our dollar....and boy did it go far.  You could ride anywhere in town for a dollar....go in for a coke and sandwitch and get change back from a dollar.  It made shopping wonderful......
There were four of us and so one day we rented a driver to take us to some little villages around Quito.....My favorite was CAYAMBEE......known as the city at the center of the earth.  The Equator ran through it so.....more pictures. In all the small villages we passed through there were dozens of green houses growing roses......and they were a nickel a piece. The US gets many of their roses from there......and jack up the prices.....
The night we flew home.....we lucked out and got First Class.....and it was full of Jack Hannah and his photo crew going home with us.....They had been shooting in the Galapagos.....That was kinda fun.

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