Friday, June 21, 2019


Some times when I have a problem going to sleep at night......I relive one of my great trips around the world.....last night it was MOROCCO, AFRICA.
I have been to Morocco three times......twice for a day when passing by on a cruise and the third time Ann and I did a 10 day bus tour through Morocco......We flew to Madrid, Spain and spent a couple of days touring.....then took the train down to Torremolinis where we met our tour group....35 people and only 5 spoke English???? They loaded our double-decker bus and us on a ferry and headed from Spain to passing the Rock of Gibralter......wish we could have landed on it and fed the monkeys!......and then we began our 10 day tour......We stayed in many beautiful hotels....and some not so nice.....We hit all the markets and wandered among the camels, goats and sheep!  Enjoyed the snake charmers and the monkey organ grinders....funny dressed men selling water and the many barrels of spices.....and olives.  I was fascinated by the Souks and the little shops and the places where they live under ground.  The bathroom facilities were soooo bad?  We visited Fez.....Marrakesh.....Casablanca...Rabat....and Tangiers.....saw lots of deserts and sand. I would definitely say this trip was an adventure of interesting people, customs, music, food etc.  and one of my favorites.....we took the train back to Madrid and flew home.

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