Sunday, May 21, 2017


Up early to let the dogs out......raining, so went back to bed for another did the dogs....With church starting at 11:00 now days.....sleeping in on Sundays is great.   Ken was here for the off to church, dinner and now a quiet afternoon.  As I sat and listened to the men who talked today......I tried hard to concentrate on their talks.  The first one wandered and and seemed confused so naturally I became judgmental!!!!! SO bad.....I did not know his past....I had not walked in his shoes, down his path of life, lived his sorrows, doubts , fears and pain.....I must tell myself, everyone has a story and we can't judge.
The next man made more we have a recited prayer we say each day....just to say we prayed or do we ask for and thank God for different blessings each day......I am in the middle ....but I must contemplate this thought a little more thoroughly.....Not waste God time ......
Busy week ahead......Relief Society teachers in the morning,  time to change the oil in the car...  Tuesday.....Patty's and lunch.....and maybe Ken a hair cut.  Wednesday, clean house and shop for the Domino group at my house Thursday.....and if I am still alive Friday I might sleep all day!
You know your really stressed.....when you start getting on your own nervers??????

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