Sunday, May 21, 2017


Everyone needs an idol to look up to and follow............   I think i have found mine.......Aunty Acid!!!  She just knows what to say and when to say it.....and so many times I just agree.  Who but an old.....crazy woman would parade around Fargo, North Dakota wearing a blinking tiera, bandello and T-shirt saying "50 looks good on you"......Aunty Acid would.......and I did!
Two things that really grind my gears are people and technology or......even and technology......had to ask my 19 year old grandson to put a new phone number in my cell....gone are the days when I could do all those kind of things for myself!  I will never learn to conquer "candy crush" oldest daughter showed me some tricks.....When I go on line to check the weather......three hours later I finally manage......and by then the weather has changed!  If it weren't for the kids and grandkids.......I would still be operating my life with a dial phone, a radio and a record machine for music......they refuse to let me be "old" .......and back in the good ole days.

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