Saturday, May 27, 2017


Maxine so has it figured it is Saturday night......Memorial Day weekend end.....when every one is off celebrating somewhere fun......why not hit the wine country.....that is the back yard with a bottle of wine and a bottle opener......and it wouldn't be drinking alone because I have my dog Gigi with me......only problem I didn't pick up a bottle of wine!  Not good planning on my part.
Life is short......and I need to keep smiling......while I still have often you feel like throwing in the towel......then you remember that would just mean more laundry for me to do.....  Sometimes I'm not sure if life is just passing me by or trying to run me over......but I am here for a good time and hopefully a long time.  I guess I am just spoiled......I had two great trips in the past two months.....and so great to have all 50 states under my to see cousins Tom and Jon and have lunch with Tammy and Tamrie......Then had a good visit with my sweet granddaughter Nicci.
I also quote Maxine......."20 years ago we had Johnny Cash, Bob Hope, and Steve Jobs.  Now we have.......No Cash.....No Hope....and No Jobs!  Please don't let Kevin Bacon die!"

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