Tuesday, May 30, 2017

IT'S TIME.......

Did you ever stop and say......."It's my time .....before it is too late.....to buy yourself some flowers, go to your favorite place to eat or buy one more pair of shoes.......you don't need?"
It is a woman's nature to offer encouragement, understanding, and reassurance to others.....to be a voice of reason, a shoulder to lean on and a positive force in the lives of your family and friends......but for some reason we don't take time out to encourage, understand and reassure ourselves......whatever goes wrong in our lives.....we seem to think or feel it is our fault......bad marriage, children acting out, debts, maybe sickness?  We carry so much guilt.....but we have got to get to the point we stop blaming ourselves for things we cannot control......we are worthy of more.That is my lecture to me for the day!!!!

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