Tuesday, September 28, 2021

YES.....IT IS FALL....

We are now counting the months.....not days till we get a baby Alex...I am hopeing....but will love a baby Ashlyn......it would be fun to get twins....his mother is a twin and she has twin brothers. 
Spent the day hunting my covid shot card....where...oh where did I put it?  Being old is starting to rear it's head.....Seems we will need it to go on living......Wish me luck!
Not an exciting week....Miss Pam....and the twins...just Bree and me.  Got some wonderful news yesterday....Scotts cancer operation was a success and the tests came back negative for cancer....it has been a long haul for that sweet guy......AND he has hair again...just several weeks of taking it easy and healing......then back to real life again.  
Stopped in yesterday to see how Scott was doing.......and Richard took me up Brighten Canyon to see the fall leaves....we are so lucky to have the mountains in our back door.....and the leaves were so pretty.  I so enjoyed our ride and visit.
Keeping my fingers crossed Rob listens to his doctor and his foot heals.....and he can get back to work.

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