Sunday, September 5, 2021


Sorry for the mood.....but long quiet weekends seeing or hearing from no one does that to me......I try to think back to some fun or interesting happening in my when I was in a bank robbery!!!!.......I had gone to the bank across the street from where I lived to get a little cash for the weekend....I had lived there 26 years and knew the people well.......As I reached for my my money....... the same time...... some one with a longer arm grabbed it and very quietly told the cashier "MORE".....without hesitation the gal opened a drawer and handed the arm a bundle of money....which he stuffed in a back pack between us.....he turned and walked out of the bank....all this happened in a matter of minutes.....WHAT DID I DO? according to the camera in the bank....I stood there with my mouth open and let him escape......The bank immediately went into lock down and was full of police.....and the questioning began.  What did he look like?  Tall...smelled bad...we were shoulder to shoulder so couldn't see much besides he had a cap....mask...glasses...sweat shirt....gloves and only spoke a word....not much help.....So they let me go home.....I thought in bank had to lay on the floor.....cover your eyes and count to five so he could get away....not true.....At last my chance to be on TV.....wouldn't you know......they put a block across my eyes so the robbery would not recgonize me on the night news......or any one else for that matter!!!!!


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