Monday, September 6, 2021

MY LAST DATE........

Getting divorced at age 54......after 30 years of marriage....and three grown daughters....isn't an easy transition...........My last date......WAS MY LAST DATE......I call it my Taco Date......the guy saw me at a friend's missionary home coming.....and they lined me up....were to go golfing....but  he was late getting settled getting on getting something to eat.....he ask if  I liked Mexican food...why yes.....every body likes Mexican food and I envisioned one of the  Mexican restrauants near by??? was near-by....across the street from my condo was a Taco Bell......Well....this wasn't exactly what I had in mind for a first grandmother always said....."you never get a second make a first impression".....He ordered 3 tacos for a dollar and a dollar lemon aid for each of us....and had to write a check for 3 something!  I would say at this point .....the date was over for me...which is to bad as he was nice looking.....had a nice car and worked at Abertsons.......and was a cheap skate!!! At this rate I could handle my own dates....and from then on I don't take any chances......


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