Tuesday, September 28, 2021

YES.....IT IS FALL....

We are now counting the months.....not days till we get a baby Alex...I am hopeing....but will love a baby Ashlyn......it would be fun to get twins....his mother is a twin and she has twin brothers. 
Spent the day hunting my covid shot card....where...oh where did I put it?  Being old is starting to rear it's head.....Seems we will need it to go on living......Wish me luck!
Not an exciting week....Miss Pam....and the twins...just Bree and me.  Got some wonderful news yesterday....Scotts cancer operation was a success and the tests came back negative for cancer....it has been a long haul for that sweet guy......AND he has hair again...just several weeks of taking it easy and healing......then back to real life again.  
Stopped in yesterday to see how Scott was doing.......and Richard took me up Brighten Canyon to see the fall leaves....we are so lucky to have the mountains in our back door.....and the leaves were so pretty.  I so enjoyed our ride and visit.
Keeping my fingers crossed Rob listens to his doctor and his foot heals.....and he can get back to work.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


I am more at Peace tonight.....knowing Scott and Rob are getting good care at the hospitals they are in and they have family with them......
We are definitely feeling the smell and feel of Fall.....the hills are starting to turn and the temperature has dropped....turned on the fireplace this morning.  I have Bree for three weeks or so.....Pam was not sure how long she would be gone to Detroit......Scotts operation was a success Kar said .....can go home in a couple of days.  Waiting to hear what Rob's status is...Pam a little slow in up dating......
Had the urge to do some RETAIL THERAPY the last couple of days......The Mask...Oh Yes! Do have most my Christmas shopping done......


Saturday, September 18, 2021

BIG TOE......

This happy grandpa......isn't so happy tonight!
Pam stopped by to see if I would tend Bree a couple of weeks while she goes to Detroit to tend Rob.....They cut off his big toe this morning and she needs to leave tomorrow.....It has been giving him trouble and infected for some time and with his diabetes...not healing,,,,,so the MRI showed the infection had gone into the bone..SERIOUS....so cut off his toe!  If a week passed without a crisis in our family.....WHAT WOULD WE DO?  What are we doing wrong?  God will think all I do is hunt people to pray for........we love you Robby and good luck.



Fall is in the air....lawns turning brown.....flowers shedding leaves.....and tomatoes turning red.  I have been lucky enough to see the colored leaves in my own hills.....love the yellow of the quakin aspen trees.....AND Leslie and I did a road trip up to Vermont, New Hampshire, Mass and that area in the east one year.... The colors back there are reds and oranges.....God really knows how to paint his world.......It has been unusualy hot his summer....so cooling down is a relief......A little rain this morning.  
Kar's family getting ready for Scotty's operation Monday....five days in the hospital and Kar will be right at his side....that's what mothers do......we are praying for him.


Saturday, September 11, 2021

BIG NEWS........

Got a call this morning from this cute couple....AND.....Ashlyn excitedly told me they are pregnant!....they had found they had some problems...plugged tubes....which they fixed......and lazy sperm.....and were on the verge of trying intervetro....something or another.....and very expensive....well she was late and got some sticks to pee on.....am I PG? .....it looks like it? Ashlyn was so excited she went and bought 8 more test sticks....and they were all positive....so she could tell Alex.. I am so excited for them.....Ashlyn has twin brothers and Alex's mother is a twin......MAYBE?


9-11.....20 YEARS AGO.

20 years ago today the world was rocked when two enemy planes flew into the twin towers and killed so many wonderful...innocent people....the beginning of a 20 year war with the talaban....also a plane hit the pentagon and one went down in PA....we remember these people each year on this day......I have been down to this sacred spot and into the church but we didn't know you needed reservations to get into the fountain area .....so missed out on that.  The pictures will forever be etched in our minds of this terrible thing...and the war goes on.


Friday, September 10, 2021


I love my next door neigbor ....but we cannot talk politics!  We can talk about the weather...church.....family...but not politics,,,,,,We have worked out sharing land .....every year she plants a garden along my front porch because I face the sun...her land not so much....she buys, plants and waters all summer....I sit on my porch and watch them grow and eat them....tomatoes....cucumbers....zucchini....squash and a pepper plant....It has done so well this summer and we are sharing with the neighbors....so fun when she does all the work.....but she is 14 years younger too.....



Just me and Bree this weekend....hard to believe this week is gone....Cleaning lady...laborday....patty for coffee.....dinner with  Pam.....Sherie and Olivia stopped by.....guess time just slips by. Pam went up to baby sit this cute kid this weekend......Bill an Nicci's wedding anniversary .....so they could sneak off a couple of nights and Grandma baby sit........Bree stuck with me.
\Good news from Sherrie.....that I have to keep secret.....It is so hard to keep a secret....when you want  to stand on  the corner and tell the world.....
Tomorrow a big day and celebration for 20 years  ago .....9-11...... time does fly.....Didn't
 even get  dressed today.....some days are like that .....no incentive to do anything.


Wednesday, September 8, 2021


I will make it through......
A very long and quiet weekend.....Pam busy doing her thing .....Sherrie camping with her kids.......and K arrie recooperating from the Disney trip and certifying for deep sea diving in the volcano......so didn't hear see any of my kids.....Suzanne gone for a week to Farmington.....but HOHN over with food a couple of times and Gay over to visit ....... Thank goodness for good neighbors......guess that is it......next will be Halloween....
Sherrie in town tending Olivia a couple of days;;;baby sitter sick.....so she came over for a little while this morning to let me love the baby...has pierrced ears no less!
Pam just called and invited me to go out to dinner......she is off to see Nicci tomorrow for a long weekend.....I get Bree.....As you can see....Ireally live an exciting life......


Monday, September 6, 2021

MY LAST DATE........

Getting divorced at age 54......after 30 years of marriage....and three grown daughters....isn't an easy transition...........My last date......WAS MY LAST DATE......I call it my Taco Date......the guy saw me at a friend's missionary home coming.....and they lined me up....were to go golfing....but  he was late getting here....so settled getting on getting something to eat.....he ask if  I liked Mexican food...why yes.....every body likes Mexican food and I envisioned one of the  Mexican restrauants near by???YES.....it was near-by....across the street from my condo was a Taco Bell......Well....this wasn't exactly what I had in mind for a first date......my grandmother always said....."you never get a second chance....to make a first impression".....He ordered 3 tacos for a dollar and a dollar lemon aid for each of us....and had to write a check for 3 something!  I would say at this point .....the date was over for me...which is to bad as he was nice looking.....had a nice car and worked at Abertsons.......and was a cheap skate!!! At this rate I could handle my own dates....and from then on I don't take any chances......


Sunday, September 5, 2021


As I was telling you in the last blog.....my big chance to appear on TV crushed by blocking out my face in the bank robbery.  Well the Panniers were in Mexico with friends and decided to watch the home town news,,,,something about an airplane crash......and low and behold.....it is Pam's father!  NO breaks in landing so crashed into a hanger.....he and the dog walked away....the plane never to fly again.....Pam could not belive both her parents on the night news....with tails of woe....not fun news like.....lucky couple   wins the MILLION DOLLAR LOTERY....Any way life goes on........



Sorry for the mood.....but long quiet weekends seeing or hearing from no one does that to me......I try to think back to some fun or interesting happening in my past......like when I was in a bank robbery!!!!.......I had gone to the bank across the street from where I lived to get a little cash for the weekend....I had lived there 26 years and knew the people well.......As I reached for my my money....... the same time...... some one with a longer arm grabbed it and very quietly told the cashier "MORE".....without hesitation the gal opened a drawer and handed the arm a bundle of money....which he stuffed in a back pack between us.....he turned and walked out of the bank....all this happened in a matter of minutes.....WHAT DID I DO? according to the camera in the bank....I stood there with my mouth open and let him escape......The bank immediately went into lock down and was full of police.....and the questioning began.  What did he look like?  Tall...smelled bad...we were shoulder to shoulder so couldn't see much besides he had a cap....mask...glasses...sweat shirt....gloves and only spoke a word....not much help.....So they let me go home.....I thought in bank robberries.....you had to lay on the floor.....cover your eyes and count to five so he could get away....not true.....At last my chance to be on TV.....wouldn't you know......they put a block across my eyes so the robbery would not recgonize me on the night news......or any one else for that matter!!!!!


Thursday, September 2, 2021


Where did summer go?
Here we are into September already and soon the snow.....The world is either flooding or burning up.....like God predicted.....My back yard turned into swimming pool and sweet Brayden cleaned it up for me while I feed Olivia.....Back east is a mess.....between weather and Covid there is no good news.   Went to lunch  with Pam yesterday and Brayden tends baby every Friday so he is coming up for lunch tomorrow...and I get to see the baby......so fun to watch her grow......Darren gave Alex COVID and Alex gave it to Ashlyn.....they did not get shots.....but will.....JIM just called and we had a nice visit....like me the evenings are long and lonely ....so nice to have some one to reach out to.....and Leslie is a life saver.....FAMLIES ARE FOR EVER



As I ponder ......what made me....ME......I go back to my 7th year....My first year in school and beginning to associate with people....I had to move to 7 schools in the first grade....my father was a foreman for the Bell Telephone Co. and constantly on the move.  The folks made the decision to settle down so Jo and I didn't have to keep that up...they bought a ranch in mother's home town of Mancos Colorado.....and a whole new world began for me......
No electricity.....running water......no inside bathroom .....ride school bus.....no central heating.....
but when you are 7.....life is good......an "out house".....is an adventure.....cold in the winter and hot and smelly in  the summer...TOILET PAPER???...The Sears Roebuck and MONTGOMERY WARDS catalogs!!!....Winters were bad but the Spring an Summer you could leave the door open and enjoy the sun and thumb through the catalog.....Brush your teeth came afew years latter when we moved to town and got a real in-doors bathroom.  A bath was on Saturday .....a big tub was brought into the kitchen ....hot water heated on the coal stove and all the kids scrubbed down....I have no idea when my parents bathed....or if they did those five years on the ranch...I guess when you are seven etc......things like clean parents is not your concern.....The house was heated by the kitchen coal stove and a pot belly stove in the front room and when it was cold no one got up until daddy had both fires going and the house was warm......There was a ditch infront of the house and they used that water for washing dishes or our hands.....but you had to carry water from a little spring behind the house down a little hill to drink or cook with....Mom took the laundry into grandma's as she had electicity in town.  Dixie Lee was born during these five years of farm life....so a baby in diapers was an extra burden on the need for water.....she grew up alone in a play pen and consequently no one to play with,,,,,,made up her own family to talk to and play with...She had another mother and several friends.....when mother called her to dinner she always had to ask her ....other mother......thank goodness she always said....yes.  To iron...and as I got older and more aware fitting in and looking nice I would iron my own cloths....put the ironing board on the back of two chairs and stand on a stool and.....to heat the iron you put it on a hot stove to heat it....they were heavy and did not stay hot long....I am using them as book ends now!
Sunday was a special day.....we killed two chickens and we all loved fried chicken....and I mean ....went out to the chicken pen grabbed a couple of inocent little chickens....put their heads on a log and with an ax chopped off their heads....they flopped around a few minutes.....then MOM stuck them into a bucket of boiling water to loosen their feathers and you all helped pluck the feathers.....which were saved for pillows and feather beds!.....Then into the house to be cut up and be fried...we all fought over who got the liver...heart...gizard?.....Then there was usually some fun desert.....Did I ever paticipate in these rituals.....YES....I could kill a chicken and get it ready to fry by the time I was ten....One thing is a bad memory still....washing the milk seperater.....I'm not even going to try and explain that chore.....Good times too...sleeping in the hay barn with the Kellers.....Daddy bought some "doggie" lambs and I feed them all summer by bottle ...when they were grown he sold them and gave me the money to pick out a new bicycle...it was red.....I don't regret my time on the ranch...I see how hard a rancher works...it taught me how to work.....but daddy's decision to give up farming and move to town and work at the Diamond Match factory about the time I was 12......was very welcomed by all the family....WOW...an in-door bathroom at last and real toilet paper!