Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Is sprouts contagious? Will I be quarantined?  I expected Karrie to come order me some groceries...but my Richie showed up instead....I guess Karrie and the other two girls are trying to figure out what to do with their dad and Tony after they were in a car wreck......Tony ....as usual.....will not listen to the doctors or the kids and thinks she and Don will just go home and things will be back to normal.....with all their stairs and her broken back etc,,,,,they are worried about Don haveing internal bleeding and he is still in ICU......she won't consider a care home for her.....or Don ....so she can get well and tend him......and her son seems not to be concerned about her or any help....I am so sorry my girls have had to handle his last three episodes of driving and getting lost  and now this wreck......she let him drive home from Alpine and he was lost in Ogden canyon and ran off the road on a curve...her Lexus is totaled.....I guess I labeled her the Kmart Lady for nothing!
It was nice having my sweet Richie help me out.....I have missed him alot.  Really a cold day...but sun is shinning...Spring?

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