Saturday, June 9, 2018


Had ALex and Ashlyn here for a sleep-over this week-end!  Love having the grandkids come They had to go and have dinner with Grandma Kay as she feels neglected.....they told a little fib about staying all night with Ashlyn's aunt so she would not feel bad they were heading for my house..... for the night!!!! She wanted them there for the night.....which they refuse to do......  AND covered for Ken when he said he had to go to the auction with Alex so he didn't have to go to a movie with her today.....We hit two WalMarts and the Lego store to find the kit  he was looking for......and got in a hair cut....Sherrie just called and said for Ken to ride home with the kids for church tomorrow and the rest of the weekend.....guess I get to sleep in tomorrow????? Sherrie had Girl's Camp and the Treck this week and is worn out.......
Got in on the latest wedding plans and lots of warm hugs.......I believe Alex said.....89 days till the wedding....whose counting?.

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