Monday, June 18, 2018


What is greater than seeing wild animals in their own habitat???
A fun trip to the Barn in Island Park, Idaho......with the the Panniers and the Hortins.  The weather was not the best, but that did not stop our fun.....A day in Yellowstone Park always a favorite and were very lucky to see Elk, Bear, Wolf. Moose this time.   Went into Mammoth Springs which was an area I had not been to.....nice lunch, shopping and the Museum......This was Friday.....then Saturday was Rob's big fish celebration in a huge tent and auction and silent auction and a great steak and chicken dinner with all the trimmings.....seemed the millionairs just swarmed the place.......a new experience for me.....
We also celebrated Rob's 61st and Tiffany's 36th birthdays.......and FATHER'S DAY!  ......So fun when with home and soon Sherrie and Ken arrived and Sherrie stayed all night after our dinner together......She is off to Lake Powell today with the church group on her house boat...Darren and Alex are on a 16 day trip down the Grand Canyon......
Got a hale storm this morning that were the size of marbles...didn't last long and sun shinning now but pretty wild for a few minutes....June going by too fast.

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