Tuesday, March 22, 2022


I am always happy when I get my taxes to my tax man......doesn't change much from year to year....but don't want to deal with the government!  Last week was busy with dr. appointments and nails and baby shower for Alex and Ashlyn.....We had it at Pam's .....Sherrie and Libby did  a good job on decorations and food.  Ashlyn's mom, grandma, aunt , and sister-in-laws came...Kay...Kim and Deanne....Tiff and Liz....Patty and I.  So many cute baby clothes now days.  We are counting the weeks now.... Income Tax man.....thankgoodness
 I was pretty organized this year....and today went well....I pay some on state tax and get some back from Federal.....anyway.....done for another year!
Yesterday was cleaning day.....Merrie Maids came in the morning and I went to Costco in tthe afternoon.....had a little over a half tank of gas....but decided with gas going up everyday I would top it off......Forty=two dollars! I guess a tank now days would be about eighty dollars....How can people handle this?  

Tomorrow and Thursday doctor appointments.....Friday nails and Saturday a baby shower at Pam's for Ashlyn.....and another week AND almost another month has flown by in my life.....
Cold and sunny weather.

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