Thursday, March 17, 2022


My cute neighbor just brought me a sack of  "Hydration Multiplier' an electrolyte drink mix for my water...I have got to start drinking more water and talking myself into eating more......then maybe I will start feeling better???  She got it  at Costco...and it is an early Birthday present.....!
Yesterday....we had a little luncheon for a couple of our neighbor ladies...there are 6 of us who take care of each other...I am so lucky.....and we are looking forard to warm weather and visiting as we do yard work.....
I am struggling to get on this "SPRING FORWARD"......schedule we have to go thru twice a year....when I wake up and the clock says it is seven-thirty.....and I know two days ago at this time the clock do I argue with my body.....I never get up at I roll over and sleep another hour!


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