Saturday, February 26, 2022


The time since the pandemic has changed our lives in many ways.....I think different....and act different.....and feel different!  My family has insisted I stay home more...wear a mask....and wash my hands constanly.....ok....I can and have done this and so far not caught any of the weird stuff going around...Oh yes, two shots....a booster.....and a flu shot....But all this and being alone so much more has turned me into hermit.....with no interests in "retail therapy"...... the love of my life....visiting with people.....or just getting dressed up and one day turns into the  next and are long.
I need to follow this little saying:
Don't worry about yesterday........
Don't stress abou tomorrow.........
Just live in today....and be greatful
for all you have......
This seems to be a guide to making your hours matter more......Do what makes you with those you enjoy and take a nap when you feel like!  My family and neighbors are what keep me getting up every day.....I am grateful for my home and health at almost sad about Russia attacking Ucrain and my heart goes out to the great people tonight......


HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEX.... second grandson.....happy birthday!   Seems like yesterday we welcomed you into our family......and today we add another year you have been ours to love and enjoy.....I am so proud of you how you have stepped up and backed your mother.....and love your plans for the will succeed.....I am also so excited you are giving me another great-grandchild to love.....I hope she smiles just like you.


Tuesday, February 22, 2022


Yesterday was President's Day.....a day off for some.....but just another day for most of us.   The neighbors dropped by....but all three girls are out of town.....and the next door neighbor is in Arizona for a week with things have been quiet and it's been to cold to go shopping.........think it was 33 degrees today.  
Latest with Rob.....probley be June before he can get back home here....was suppose to be six months in January....but now a year......Amazon management screwed up????  We miss him.  My Sherrie and her boys are doing great and anxious to start their new project....shipping crates small houses.....The Cooks......empty nesters now with Scottie in college in Orem.....
Been two months since my cancer Mohs procedure on my face.....better but not best......but it is what it is.......
Can't believe February has only 6 more days left...I was dreading January and February and they have come and gone almost.....not much snow this winter.



So much love and so many hours of fun with our "hairy" through the years.....but this past year has seen so many pass on.  This is the Pannier's white lab named HENRY FORD...a rescue dog.....they had to put him done awhile back....Tiffany's family had to put their dog CAPTAIIN.....down a couple of months ago....old age.  Alex ad Ashlyn lost their little LEXIE last month...she got sick ......they took her to the vet.....she died a couple of hours later.....they were not sure why....Ashlyn had traded her couch to a neighbor for her and she became a favorite of all of us.....Last week Sherrie had to put MACY down.....old age.
Thru the years we have lost....STORMY DOG.....CHAUSER....and MR MAXX and GIGI.
Cooks lost two of my favorite dogs MARLEY ad IZZYY.  today they have two golden retrievers.....Richie has two dogs and Annie has two dogs.....Sherrie still has BONZI and ALEX still has BIG RED....NELLY and the new puppy to replace LEXIE...named MILLIE.......Nicci and Bill have OLLIE.....William has ASPEN and A gorkey....I don't remember it's name. and Pam still has Bree....who is part mine as I tend her you can see the Petersons are dog people! You might say we have gone to the dogs........


Sunday, February 20, 2022


I love, love, love my home....I am safe and warm and have the greatest neighbors....Hahn brings me food several times a week....takes out my garbage......shovels my driveway when it snows....and unloads heavy food when I shop.  Suzanne gets my mail lots, Gay and Ivan call regularly.....along with a couple of other great neighbors.  I have found...."God doesn't put you where you want to be always.....He puts where you need to be."
Watched the winter olympics off and on and proud of the I guess Putin is starting a war in Europe...wonder what Mickey Mouse Biden plans to do?  
My face is trying to heal a little......but hate the scar....I am thankful for the good people who give up a lot to be a doctor....or nurse....and take care of the rest of us.  I see where Queen Elizabeth has the viris and is coming up 96......I try very hard to wash my hands and wear my mask when I go out....the viris picks on all of one is safe.
Suppose to snow tomorrow.....we will see?



Been two weeks since I put fingers to computer to write of my daily boring and dull I don't think anyone would be intersted.....January and February are my two less favorite months in a year.....and I am about to survive 20th of February.....with 8 more days till March....and daffodils start popping out....So little snow this winter.....
Last week I kept Ken and the two dogs while Sherrie, Karrie and Kim went off to FLORIDA for a girls trip.  Ken and I kept busy shopping.....eating out....went to a movie and watching TV.....he is such a help when here......the dogs were good...(since here....Sher had to put Macy down...we are all sad).....had two days alone and now I have Bree for 12 days.....while Pam visits Nicci and Bill to play with Tucker.....grandchildren are great! Quiet week ahead.