Thursday, October 28, 2021


Why can't I blog every day like I use to?  Part of my excuse for this month is I was really sick for about 10 days....not the viris but the flu....about a week after my flu shot....and since maybe my life is shutting to the twins some....but don't see them.....Pam comes over once a week and we go to lunch or she takes me to an lawyer or my finance adviser....need to get every thing in order in case I KICK THE BUCKET.....unexpectedly.....Just got word my sweet neighbor has stomach cancer and she is 72....
The bright spot of the month was Scotty's home coming at church and the the Cook's after church get to see grandkids and three great-grandchildren....the kind of days grandmas love...I try to realize every one is very kids are travelers....I tended Pam's dog three weeks while she went back to Detroit to tend Rob when they cut off his big toe.....and she and Sher spent five days in Vegas......then Rob got bitten by a spider or several and is trying to get over that.....has been off work most the month.  Oh Yes....Scott turned 20 this month and Nicci turned 36.
My faithful friend Patty usually comes over once a week and I ran over to her place today.....our weekly therapy.....I do spend quite a few hours on the heating pad each day to help the arthrits...only gets worse in this cold weather.....we have snow in the mountains.....but so far none down here.  


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