Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Good-bye August.....and summer!
It has not been my favorite summer.....starting in April so many things have happened in my family.....Leslie broke her hip on vacation in Costa Rico with Kevins family....Scotty came home after six weeks from his mission with testical cancer... three months of chemo kinda ruined his summer and the families too.....Rob decided to take a promotion for six months ....with Amazon in Detroit...Pam here alone....Sherrie getting a divorce....so hard for her...and me...my arthritis has kicked in and I hurt all the time!  The kids moved out in June to Lehi.....miss them.  September has to be better...
The Panniers had to put Henry Ford to sleep this weekend....we all will miss him.
Went to Patty's for coffee yesterday and off to lunch with Pam tomorrow...just have to get out now and then.....


Sunday, August 29, 2021


With all the bad things happening in the world today....I try to go to bed thinking of something good in my life.....To day when I was buttering my toast...I thought about the butter I had growing up....My grandparents lived a couple of blocks down the street.....they had a cow named Pansie...grandpa milked faithfully every evening.....Grandma made sure we always had milk...she would let it sit until the cream came to the top and take it for butter.....into a big glass churn it went and we would fight over who got to churn it into pretty yellow butter.....she would salt it and put it into a wooden butter mold and was it good on her big hot rolls....then the war came and our butter was sack of lard looking stuff with a small capsul of coloring in it to break and turn this stuff yellow....like real butter...... when you are young you don't question your food much......my kids know only our now days butter.....the rest of the milk was made into cottage cheese orbutter milk.....now days they come in tidy cartons with dates on them and are always available......I never wondered where butter came from....I watched it magically appear from cream in a churn.
Been a long quiet weekend....I never made it to church.....talked to Mike ...he will be out of Page in two days....off to ST GEORGE to live and work after nine years with Darren in Page running his B and B'S.....I knew he had a girl friend!!!  I'ts best I don't write down what I think of him.......I wish Sher would talk to me about the divorce......


Saturday, August 28, 2021


Three months old and the love of our lives...




Been a long month with no blogs because I did something wrong and nhanks o one had time to fix the computer.....until today and Sherrie stuck with it.......Thanks Sher.
Two of my favorite people from the twins old crowd dropped by and it was fun remembering the good old days....Tom Short and Mike Mooreno.  Mike came by a few days laterr to leave his phone number and spent an hourworking on my compuer.....sweet kids.
My sweet Karrie  has the "Merry Maids" come clean my house twice a month.....with the arthritis in my shoulders it is hard to do anything.....In all my 89 years I never had any hired help in the house.....
August is a big birthday month for me.....Andrea turned 26 the 15th....Brayden turned 26 the 16th  (Mom's birthday).....Pam turned 64 on the 18th.....And big Rich ...57 on the 19th.....Mike had a birthday on the 25th.
ON the 18th it rained all day....and the neighbors behind me really flooded me out.....what a mess...we had prayed for water.....but I 
had a swimming pool in my back yard.......
I had a mamogram the 26th...good to go for another year.....thank you GOD........
Two Hornet nests in the back yard this summer......thanks to BRAYDEN he got rid of them.....
Well enough catch-up news for August......other than the horrible situation Biden caused in Cabul......

Saturday, August 14, 2021


Help.....I am losing it......I have lost all incentive to do my blog lately...partly because I can't work the new computer!  Why so many passwords......So much going on and always the arthritis pain.....My neighbor borrowed my car to go to exercise......and still has not brought it back....and I have sat home all day for his convenience....no more car lending....
Yesterday Bray came by with Olivia and I took him to Birthday lunch....26.....it was fun seeing them....4 birthdays next week.....busy......Rob launched in Detroit at new job and Pam and the dogs holding down the fort in SLC.....hope to see more of her the next six months......Sherrie in the middle of a nasty divorce and Karrie stressing about Scotts up coming surgery ......for his cancer.....I am up one day and down the next.....Last Saturday Karrie Suzanne and I went to see a wonderful Chinese show down town......Karrie has signed the Merry Maids.....to come clean my house every two weeks.....such a treat.....best present a old lady could get.....well so far so good....don't know how i got this far......