Friday, September 18, 2020


My great-grandchildren will some day wonder what is up with all the masks in  2020?  This is Pam in her pull up one.....You can't breath or see or hear .....and every one has a favorite one.....They are worn by everyone to keep from getting or giving the viris to each other....It  started in March and will no doubt be mandatory till the vacine is discovered.  First seat belts masks!

Joining some of the neighbors at The Kings Row....or something like that for dinner tonight....I told Bray and Libby I would take them for their third anniversary....will also be celebrating the Hill's 60 anniversary......which was a day after the Christensons......It is turning cold and suppose to rain tomorrow...we really need it.  Nice having the kids here this weekend.....they usually end up in Vernal....Page .... or the cabin.


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