Thursday, September 24, 2020


Strange how you carefully plan your only have it fall apart......My friend  Shirley called the first of the week....lets pick up lunch and eat it in your new back yard.....Sounds good to me......waited an hour for her this morning and she never showed I jumped in my car mailed some bills and picked up a perscription and came home and took a nap....I will call tonight to see what happened on her end....sick?.....forgot? who knows....but my days are important to me as I begin to be thankful for each day I can get out of bed and enjoy the day......
My cute roommates went to Park City to celebrate their anniversary at the Marriot Hotel...pool, hot tub.....dinner.   so I have the evening alone.....which is good now and then....but we all stayed up till ten last night to see who won the million dollars on AMERICA HAS TALENT!....the black poet did????

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