Wednesday, September 9, 2020


Why can't we count the tossing and turning and all the trips to the bathroom at night as exercise......I am having terrible arthritis in both shoulders and every move is an that is about all the exercise I have been getting....leaves me too tired to walk a mile every day.  This stay in place rule sucks....but not hard to get use to......I go from chair to chair to counter, to the bed and do it again and again......I call it my exercise.....the dr suggested I turn on TV and do one of their exercise programs....Boring......................
The past three days I have taught Libby to sew....she made a dress out of an old sheet of her grandma's.....sherred waist and all.....She will be a good little sewer and some day with kids be glad she can sew....unless they are all boys!
I think I am ready for a nap.....all this talk about exercise has worn me out!

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