Thursday, August 9, 2018


When your feet hurt, does the thought of it keep popping into your head?  Do you tell everyone who will listen how much you dread you upcoming root canal?
If so you are prone to "catastrophizing"......which helps the pain hang around for a long 
time.....Catastrophizing interferes with you body's innate ability to suppress pain signals by heightening your anxiety and attention to pain......You need to teach yourself to stop amplifying your pain by flipping thoughts and experiences from negative to positive.....
Thinking differently helps you act differently so that you begin doing things to self-soothe.
For some reason I am not sure all that advise is going to make my aching feet better!
I have Bree for the weekend.....I did change my sheets, wash rugs and do laundry is suppose to be 100 degrees tomorrow......August is going too fast....before we know it...TOMORROW WILL BE CHRISTMAS......

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