Monday, April 2, 2018


This message serves to prove how our minds can do amazing things.....Impressive things....In the beginning 17 was hard but now, on this line your is reading 17 automatically with out even thinking about 17....... Be proud only certain people can read this.....Please share if you can read this!!!!!YEA  I DID IT!
I have a dear friend.....which I traveled around the world with many times  .........that is really struggling with her memory......I have never dealt with this before and I don't know how to help Bonnie????  She is very much aware of it......because her mother had it.....and she seems to be in denial......I try to imagine what this would be like to have to write everything down and still not be sure what day it is.......I am so thankful I still know what day it is......and what each day expects of me......
A very typical Monday.....had a bad up..... made toast and played games on the I 2:30......finally back  to bed and slept till 8:30......then ran up and mailed this month's bills......Finally off to do some chores.....NEED A LADDER.....Rob is adament I don't have one.....but I don't operate on ROB.S rules so checked them out at Walmart and week when Ken gets home with the pickup......I will have a 6 foot ladder!!!!!l
I truly ask GOD to let me have my good mind as long as my body sad for those in la-la land!!!!!

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