Wednesday, August 6, 2008

You Gotta Journal

Before my second granddaughter went off to her new job after graduating from college, I
gave her a journal and a pen and pencil set and told her to write down all her experiences as she
started a new chapter in her life..........good or bad........and always, ALWAYS date each entry. I
know it can be a struggle some times, but it is great to look back over your life in the past. It
is also a way to help you focus and get past some hard times. JOURNALS only listen, they don't
talk back or judge you!
When I teach Journal classes, I teach there are many ways to journal......... now my granddaughter has taught me a new way to journal. She keeps us all informed on her where abouts and fun things she has been doing. My family assured me I could learn how to use it. Now I have another tool to do my journaling! Yes, I love it. My first try, everything I typed was translated into Hindu, but my granddaughter knew just what to do to take care of it for me, but I did feel pretty important knowing I could even journal in Hindu!

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