Friday, August 8, 2008

What I do know!

Today is the beginning of a new day.....
God has given me this day to use as I will,
I can waste it or I can use it well,
But, what I do with this day is important
Because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.
Tomorrow, this day will be gone forever,
Leaving in it's place what I traded it for.
I want it to be a win, not a loss.........
A success, not a failure.........
Good not evil........
In order that I will never regret
the price that I paid for this day.

As the years go by and I watch the hands on the clock tick off the minutes I have left here on this earth I do realize tomorrow, this day will be gone forever leaving in it's place all the things
I did or didn't do right here on earth today. I want to make every minute I have left really count. I have this saying memorized and say it often. It is a good tool to bring you into focus and try harder.

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