Tuesday, August 5, 2008

New Directions In Creative Journaling

Travel, travel, travel.............Journal, journal, journal. Two of the most satisfying things in my life. I will not be like the Fortune Hunter who traveled the world over in search of the Great Treasures of Life...........only to return home exhausted and discover that all I need is, and has been, in my own back yard.
Yes, I travel as much as possible. In fact I have been badly infected by a "Travel Bug"........I call
him Homer! Homer bit me in high school in a small town in Colorado. I followed with all the symptoms and lived only to be 21, so I could become and "Air Line Stewardess".........which I did.
I have not stopped traveling since.
I have been and will continue my quest of visiting as many countries as I can around the world.
Some day I will have to hang up my "DUNN ROVIN" sign over my door, but maybe not for a few more years. My goal was to get 100 countries so I could belong to the "100 Countries Country Club", I did hit that goal a few years ago. I have been to six of the seven continents on my list and only eight more of the 50 U.S. states to go.
I would love to hear from some of the other world travels and compare notes.

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