Saturday, August 6, 2022


July was hot and windy and Salt Lake broke a record for three digit temperatures ever......I did have a nice 4th of July in Vernal with the Christensons......but Pioneer Day was just another hot and dry very few fireworks.  Blessed Sage was the high light of the month......she is three months old already......and the news is out.....a baby girl for Richie and Anna!  August big month for family birthdays.....Pam turns 65.....Tucker 3.....Brayden and Andrea a day apart at 26.....I think? Jon Keller 80 and Mike I'm not sure.,,,Big Rich about 57.
Soooo happy to have Robby home for good and back to his old job at some rain today......thank you God.....another quiet weekend.  The Cooks went to Florida...The Panniers off to a friends cabin for the night....Sher called.....she and Ken were going to a movie......... in Vernal of course.


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