Monday, June 20, 2022


When I look at this picture I wonder whose body I am in?  The real me has not changed over 90 years....but the body I am in....has!  I am thankful for the 90 years God has given me....for my mind that still works and I am mobil......and still driving.....BUT my hair is grey.....deaf in one ear....trouble with my eyes and tired all the time......I am so thankful for my three girls and their families.....and now 6 and a half family just keeps growing.  I guess I can just be thankful my life isn't about how I look any more...and it's been a good body for 90 long warrenty on my parts....and I did have a great 90th birthday.
When I look at this picture......I wonder whose body I am in?  This is someone OLD and grey and skinny......and 90 years old.  I am not those things in my mind.....and never wanted to be.


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