Sunday, June 19, 2022


Thank goodness the days of the past have helped us all move on.....Karrie popped in yesterday with lunch and a jubilee pin for me she got in London last week.......England just celebrated 70 years as Queen Elizabeths time on the throne.....we had a great talk about her trip to Ireland and England......they went to Ireland so Richard and friend could play in a golf tournament......but guess what?......the airline lost their luggage and he had to rent clubs to some clothes
 and spend hours trying to trace the luggage......The England portion of the trip went better....Nope, they still don't have luggage.....and a lesson learned.....take out insurance when you travel now days.
More sad news......they had to put Nicci's dog OLLIE down yesterday....he was 11 years old...Tucker will miss him.


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