Friday, June 24, 2022


Alex and Ashlyn.....taking a first peek a baby Sage Addison Christenson.....We are so thrilled she is here safe and sound.....and doing good.....almost two months old.....
Pam and Rob got home late last night and Bree was happy to see Pam.....and Rob glad to be back home after a year in Detroit with Amazon.......they loaded up their motor home and headed for Island Park today for the 4th of July....and some fishing.
Didn't sleep last night so canceled the movie...."ELVIS" with Les and Kris today...had two naps! At my age I am just taking one day at a time.....and listening to my body.....



Can't imagine who this is with Leslie?  I don't recognize me anymore.....All I can say is....some old bag.  We are 11 years apart....wonder what she will look like in 11 years and she is 90?  So nice having she and Kristi come visit and have lunch in between Anna's baseball tournament.....Her knee replacement is slowing healing.....been a long haul.  Sisters are the greatest!


Wednesday, June 22, 2022


We have so loved her this year pretty and smart.....she will be riding her bicycle from Nana soon and walking.



Nana Sherrie.....with Olivia and Sage Christenson......I love this picture!  Sherrie looks on cloud nine.....after three sons.....two beautiful little granddaughters to love and spoil....and she will. Olivia turned one on the 20th of May......and baby Sage was born on May 2nd.



Scott and I on my 90th lucky this tall gorgeous guy is mine!  He is the youngest of my 9 grandchildren.....survived a terrible round of cancer......but licked it and is a college boy now.  He took me to see "Spider Man".....what 20 year old would do that for his 90 yeear old grammie?  Love you Scotty.



Happy birthday Rob.....yesterday!
The 21st is the longest day of the the days get shorter till December 21st. Aaron made him a grandpa 7 years ago.  As of today he and Pam are driving him home from Detroit where he has been working with Amazon for a year....we have missed him......I am dog sitting Bree.  Pam and Rob are heading up to Island Park in the trailor for the 4th of July.....then Pam and Aaron are off to Disney Land with Sherries family.....that travel bug is big in her.
Leslie and Kristi  surprised me yesterday.....been a couple of years since I had seen them.....before all of Leslies surgerys.....she is still trying to get use to her new knee. They brought Anna up for a  baseball tournament.  
Window washer coming tomorrow......



New fathers are so cute......This is ALEX with new baby Sage and mama Ashlyn....she is about 
two months old now.....Father's Day fun now.


Monday, June 20, 2022


Olivia and Brayden......father's day!
Fun baby and fun age.....and such a good dad.......just celebrated the big one year.....not walking yet.....can but won't.....trying to talk.



These cute people with Sherrie are friends that are still close since high school......Mike and Tom spent alot of time at my house in highschool......the boys I never had and the brothers the girls never had....I Was always Mrs P to all the kids that hung out with the girls.  The girl is Doctor Kim......a pedetrition.....still good friend with the twins.....they all still include me in their circle of best friends.  Tom was Karrie's first date in the eighth grade for their graduation dance...his folks had to drive them.....long time ago.......



Notice the airplane above us.......left over birthday decorations....Ken and Scottie tall wonderful lucky.
Tomorrow is the longest day of the year....darn.....I love the long days......even though I go to bed when it is still light back yard with fountain and flowers is my "go to place". Tomorrow is also Robbie's 65th birthday.....Tomorrow Pam is flying back to Detroit to help him drive home after working there a very long year!!!....I will tend Bree for her.




Five of my six great-grandkids at my 90th birthday party.......
Lilly and Isla are Andrea's girls....holding Olivia who belongs to Libby and Brayden.  Aaron holding Tucker.....they belong to Tiffany and Nicci.  Since this picture Alex and Ashlyn have added Sage.  Richie and Anna expect one in December...making 7!  Feel so lucky to get to know these precious little ones.



When I look at this picture I wonder whose body I am in?  The real me has not changed over 90 years....but the body I am in....has!  I am thankful for the 90 years God has given me....for my mind that still works and I am mobil......and still driving.....BUT my hair is grey.....deaf in one ear....trouble with my eyes and tired all the time......I am so thankful for my three girls and their families.....and now 6 and a half family just keeps growing.  I guess I can just be thankful my life isn't about how I look any more...and it's been a good body for 90 long warrenty on my parts....and I did have a great 90th birthday.
When I look at this picture......I wonder whose body I am in?  This is someone OLD and grey and skinny......and 90 years old.  I am not those things in my mind.....and never wanted to be.


Sunday, June 19, 2022


Thank goodness the days of the past have helped us all move on.....Karrie popped in yesterday with lunch and a jubilee pin for me she got in London last week.......England just celebrated 70 years as Queen Elizabeths time on the throne.....we had a great talk about her trip to Ireland and England......they went to Ireland so Richard and friend could play in a golf tournament......but guess what?......the airline lost their luggage and he had to rent clubs to some clothes
 and spend hours trying to trace the luggage......The England portion of the trip went better....Nope, they still don't have luggage.....and a lesson learned.....take out insurance when you travel now days.
More sad news......they had to put Nicci's dog OLLIE down yesterday....he was 11 years old...Tucker will miss him.



40 years ago I became a grandma for the first time!  Pam had Tiffany.....and I fell in love with her.
from the pretty little girl on the a mom of forty......time goes so fast.  She has Aaron who will be 8 next birthday.  This is little sister Nicci and little brother Will with her.



Hope everyone with a father had a nice day........Pam....william and I went out for dinner to celebrate for you.....My dear father is is my girls father...but many memories linger on and we think of them today.... William tried to help me figure out transporting my new pictures to my computer's galary.....hope I can remember.  Here we are in the middle of June and two weeks or so since I got around to Blogging.....been a pretty quiet month for me.
Last weekend Alex and Ashlyn and Sage spent a night with glad I got to see the new baby and love her......she is precious....and they are such cute parents.
Wednesday the six neighborhood ladies went to lunch to celebrate two of their lucky to have the neighbors I do.......Been so windy all week...but warm.