Sunday, May 29, 2022


It was a year ago now that Brayden and Libby moved out to Lehi  to be closer to Saratoga where Libby finished school and taught the sixth grade......90 and living alone for a year.....I am now free to eat potato chips and drink coke in bed at any hour I choose.....not close the bathroom door.....or get dressed till noon and not feel guilty.  I have wonderful neighbors that take good care of me....don't see much of the girls....always say..."call me if you need me"....but as long as I can drive I will not call them unless emergency......The weekends and Holidays are long and lonesome....but all people who are alone complain of and friends have lives too.  I don't text so if the kids want to say hi or check on me they have to phone....and they seem to be to busy for much of that......thank goodness for siblings.....and friends....I am conscious of my many blessings and fairly good health....but have come to the age of starting to want to give my things to the people I want them to go to when I die.....making lists,,,,many lists.....
The 90 years have gone by in a hurry and I have had some good times and some bad times and some in between times.....BUT IT IS WHAT IT IS......every day I thank God for one more day he gives me and still have a good mind and body.....I don't know if we have others in the family that hit the 90s.
In the past 36 years since the divorce I have had family members live with me now and then...but I like me and don't need anyone to validate me.....but as I get older and older....many things are becoming harder and harder to do myself.....and I have to ask for help.....face it BETTY you are OLD! and it is OK.
I love my family and am so proud of all of them...six great lucky.


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