Wednesday, May 18, 2022


As the time passes.....each day is a different set of problems .....when you have a family!
AND as you get older each problem is a heart can't I have not been recording much of my life lately.....why leave all the negative for others to deal with? 
One big positve is another great-grand child to love...born the 2nd of May.....Sage Addison Alex and Ashlyn......(I have the honor of suggesting Addison) she is special. So anxious to see her.
Brayden's OLIVIA ...turns one year old the 20th.....the year has flown....
Servived a wonderful 90th birthday and a nice Mother's Day with dinner at the Cook's....
I have been tending Bree for a week as Pam went to visit Nicci....still no Rob.
Sherrie came by a few minutes today....get so lonesome for her.....sending the last of my baby  quilts home with her for Sage....arthritis so bad more quilts for me.....made five and a shawl for each.
Nice weather......but still hurting and life has become not so much fun when you hurt!


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