Saturday, June 5, 2021

My sweet missionery surprised me and came by for a short chemo for a month....then maybe an operation nice to see him  out driving and freedom....3 months of confinement and feeling sick from chemo is a long time to someone 19.....with no hair!  H e has been a real trouper through it all.
The Panniers are making a change in their lives for the next 8 months....Rob was chosen to help set up a new plant in Detroit, MI with someone and give him a big level promotion.....Pam and the dogs will stay in SLC with her job and two kids here, me and a couple of sisters families and they will visit back an forth every month....not fun....but doable.  It has me in a quary...but life is a constant round of adjustments now days.  Maybe she and I can do a few movies and dinner to keep busy.......Panniers are having a big garage sale today....wish I could help.....but my shoulders still giving me lots of pain.
My computer is giving me trouble so never know if i can keep my blogs coming any time......


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