Tuesday, June 1, 2021


 AT LAST.....A GRANDMA......You can see how happy Sherrie is.....after three boys...a girl.

Been a good day at my house....Had a Dr. appointment this morning and my cancer looked good..yah!

Pam came over with news of an appointment Rob wants came through at Amazon.....only thing he would temperarily be in Detroit for 8 months setting up a new center...Pam and dogs stay here....but more money to add to their retirement and they can visit back and forth.....and Pam has lots of relatives and neighbors to keep her company......she is ok with it.

Brayden called and said they found a condo in Lehi to rent and would move out this month...A nice lady named Flora just dropped off their keys....and he will move their VERNAL furniture in this weekend. HAPPY COUPLE.

I moved into my house when it was new...six years ago...The first three years Kennedy lived with me....first two years he did a Mission on Temple Square and third went to UVU a year in Orem....a summer alone and Bray and Libby moved in for two years while she went to school and he worked at Park City  Resort..... We weathered Covid 19 together. 2020 .not a fun year!!!!....... now alone again.....They promised to come by...we will see.

Pam fixed my computer,,,,which was down for 10 days.  Pretty good day.

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