Friday, June 18, 2021

Can You Believe it?

Can you believe the temperature hit 107 in good ole SLC....broke the record of 102 a few years ago!  No rain and we are begging for rain.......
Been a busy behind in my blogging.....seems quiet all week with the kids moving out....doing a lot of trying to get use to living alone again......out of the six years I have lived here five of them have had some one living with me....Ken....three years...Bray and Lib two.......Thank goodness for  
    great neighbors.
Monday Pam came home from Nicc's and picked up Bree....had a good visit.
Tuesday.....Patty came for coffee and waited for the "bug" man to come......
Wednesday.....went shopping Cleon and I met for our annual bagel date......AND.....Gay talked me into going to the backyard Relief Society outing ........ to lunch with 6 neighbor ladies celebrating a couple of birthdays....a fun social life is wearing me out......
Sherrie and Ken coming to stay all night Sunday.
Wonder what next week will bring?


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