Friday, June 18, 2021

Can You Believe it?

Can you believe the temperature hit 107 in good ole SLC....broke the record of 102 a few years ago!  No rain and we are begging for rain.......
Been a busy behind in my blogging.....seems quiet all week with the kids moving out....doing a lot of trying to get use to living alone again......out of the six years I have lived here five of them have had some one living with me....Ken....three years...Bray and Lib two.......Thank goodness for  
    great neighbors.
Monday Pam came home from Nicc's and picked up Bree....had a good visit.
Tuesday.....Patty came for coffee and waited for the "bug" man to come......
Wednesday.....went shopping Cleon and I met for our annual bagel date......AND.....Gay talked me into going to the backyard Relief Society outing ........ to lunch with 6 neighbor ladies celebrating a couple of birthdays....a fun social life is wearing me out......
Sherrie and Ken coming to stay all night Sunday.
Wonder what next week will bring?


Saturday, June 12, 2021

Three weeks and growing..

ok........same picture......wrong title a i struggle with my new computer........Got to see my baby tiny.

Monday, June 7, 2021

92 years old today....

my great-grandpa is 92 years old today.......that is pretty old.....we don't get to see him much cause his wife tony ,  does not like us.  anyway....happy birthday grandpa don peterson.....we miss you.


Saturday, June 5, 2021

HAVING FUN YET? so......
Been a busy few weeks,,,, kids moving out....having a baby.....Rob on a temperary job 8 month move to Michigan...Sherri's lfe still on hold ......Scotties health issues..... still an issue...and Leslie still struggling with her leg and hip....Why do old people dislike change........seems so much all at once.  Thankgoodness we are a strong family......


My sweet missionery surprised me and came by for a short chemo for a month....then maybe an operation nice to see him  out driving and freedom....3 months of confinement and feeling sick from chemo is a long time to someone 19.....with no hair!  H e has been a real trouper through it all.
The Panniers are making a change in their lives for the next 8 months....Rob was chosen to help set up a new plant in Detroit, MI with someone and give him a big level promotion.....Pam and the dogs will stay in SLC with her job and two kids here, me and a couple of sisters families and they will visit back an forth every month....not fun....but doable.  It has me in a quary...but life is a constant round of adjustments now days.  Maybe she and I can do a few movies and dinner to keep busy.......Panniers are having a big garage sale today....wish I could help.....but my shoulders still giving me lots of pain.
My computer is giving me trouble so never know if i can keep my blogs coming any time......


Alex and Ashlyn weekend camping and fishing....with Lacy.   They have a nice trailer and enjoy the out doors...While they were playing this weekend Brayden, Ken and Sherrie were moving Brayden and Libby Lehi.....were worn out last night.....Brayden will commute an hour four days a week to Park City Ski Resort....Libby about 20 minutes to her school.   I will miss them but you can't live in your grandma's basement forever.....They are close to Richie and Anna. Their condo is on the third floor so they gave their dog to yard for a dog. Olivia two weeks old already.


Tuesday, June 1, 2021


 AT LAST.....A GRANDMA......You can see how happy Sherrie is.....after three boys...a girl.

Been a good day at my house....Had a Dr. appointment this morning and my cancer looked good..yah!

Pam came over with news of an appointment Rob wants came through at Amazon.....only thing he would temperarily be in Detroit for 8 months setting up a new center...Pam and dogs stay here....but more money to add to their retirement and they can visit back and forth.....and Pam has lots of relatives and neighbors to keep her company......she is ok with it.

Brayden called and said they found a condo in Lehi to rent and would move out this month...A nice lady named Flora just dropped off their keys....and he will move their VERNAL furniture in this weekend. HAPPY COUPLE.

I moved into my house when it was new...six years ago...The first three years Kennedy lived with me....first two years he did a Mission on Temple Square and third went to UVU a year in Orem....a summer alone and Bray and Libby moved in for two years while she went to school and he worked at Park City  Resort..... We weathered Covid 19 together. 2020 .not a fun year!!!!....... now alone again.....They promised to come by...we will see.

Pam fixed my computer,,,,which was down for 10 days.  Pretty good day.


I have to brag....I have the cutest greatest-great grandchildren ever......Isn't she precious?  She is the first grandchild on both sides....SPOILED! She is my fifth great grand child...... Hate to see them move out....but no one wants to live in "grandma's basement".....forever.  I didn't.....A nice lady named Flora just brought the keys to the Condo to me for Brayden to pick up soon.....he will move their furniture in Vernal in this weekend and Libby is off to Mesquite with her mother to stay a week and show off the baby.


9 months is a long time to wait for a baby......but Olivia arrived the 20th of May  at 6:30.....all 6 pds and 19" of her.....10 whole days or so ago.  Proud mom and pop.

They took off for Vernal for a week with Libby's folks and now are with Sherrie a few days....I got a call from Brayden that they found an apartment in Lehi and would be moving out...guess I have seen the most of the baby I am going to for a while......
New babies are so fun.