Saturday, May 1, 2021


Time passes....things change.
All I ask is to be loved and hugs go a long ways with me......Just when I think we are all on the same page....someone quits talking to someone!....for some reason?  I know each family is dealing with their own problems and yours are not their priorty....OH... FOR THE GOOD OLD DAYS OF GARAGE SALES OR A SATURDAY AFTERNOON MOVIE WITH LOTS OF BUTTERD POPCORN.....
"Sometimes God closes doors because it is time to move forward....He knows you won't move  unless your circumstances force you to.  Trust the transition......GOD s got your back...Amen"  AS I look back on my life and situation.....this is so true...I was mad at God...but now I thank him with all my heart for forcing me in the direction I needed to go to have the past 35 years be the best of the best!  I was married 65 years ago the 28th of  APRIL..... last month....... and my situation in life is much better than my almost 92 year old X.

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