Friday, November 29, 2019


Well.....back to the days when I didn't know how to add pictures tonight....can't make it work.....BUT want to say I had a very Happy Thanksgiving.   Brayden and libby went to the cabin and in the evening I went to Panniers.....The Hortons came and Aaron always adds so much to the holidays....Rob ordered dinner from WalMart and picked it up on his way home from work.....yes, lots of people work on holidays.....Aaron brought his "Pie in the Face" game and everyone...but me....took their turn getting a face full of whip cream.  Been snowing for three days...but the roads have stayed good.  Have just about finished decorting the house...and Brayden did the to gather it up and get wrapped and make Nicci a baby quilt. cHRISTMAS around the corner.....

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