Friday, November 29, 2019


Getting up at dawn or staying up all night to be the first in line for a TV set doesn't appeal to me....but to many it is a game.....each year!  It is still snowing and seems to be getting more serious.....The Christensons came down from the cabin and went to Costco then invited me to the Spaghetti Factory for lunch..... Sherrie and Libby and I .....before the boys got there ...... went to TJ MAXX AND ROSSES and of course found things we wanted.....not needed.....just in the Black Friday mood.  By the time we finished lunch at 2:30 it was a blizzard.....thankgoodness Brayden drove me home as it was very slick......and they insisted on going back up to the cabin....Sherrie's cold is so bad she lost her voice....I turned on the fireplace, TV and watched 'Dr Phil' kind of snowy afternoon.  Hope everyone had a nice Black Friday!

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