Saturday, August 5, 2017


        Well,, ......Some days are just better than others!  Yesterday I bought a set of shelves for the laundry room.....square box with several shelves......well, i even called in my neighbor and she couldn't help me figure out how to put the stupid thing together.......THIS IS WHERE A SENSE OF HUMOR COMES IN HANDY......Finally lined up a friend's daughter who is really good at everything and will pay her to bail me out......I can't count the things I have assembled in my life time.......but finally found my challenge.
    I guess the real secret is letting disappointments make you more determined, not less?????
Seeing setbacks not as stop signs but as downtime to reflect and redirect......YES I READ THE INSTRUCTIONS......SEVERAL TIMES.  Understanding that every challenge is just a chapter in our lives helps  us move on......and I will get the darn thing put together eventually......BUT RIGHT NOW WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER.

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