Monday, November 3, 2008

''Haba Na Haba Hujaza Kibaba"

"Haba Na Haba Hujaza Kibaba"..........."Little by little fills the pot!" A Swahili Proverb...........
I love this little saying..........That is really the way a life is lived, little by little or one day at a
time. You live as you die, little by little. My second sister is gravely ill, and her life is ending day
by day a little at a time. I feel sad, her choice of smoking for many years was not a good choice!
My youngest sister and I just got back from a wonderful two week driving trip through the
New England States. October a perfect time of year to enjoy the leaves........I always say the
best part of memories is creating them. I journaled every day as I always do and titled the
memo "You and Me and the GPS". We would still be wandering around Pennsylvania somewhere without "Mertle." Every morning we got out the atlas and said let's head for that
place and put it in "Mert" and off we would go. She seemed to prefer the back roads and every
getto in the 10 states we hit, but we got to see some beautiful country that way. Very few free-ways were even touched. I just learned to Tex so kept the family informed on my where-a-bouts. Started in RI, MA,NH,VT,NY,NJ,DE,CT,PA AND MD........Not in that order though. So
I say if your hitting the road get you a Mertle to be your companion. We argued with her a few
times and had our doubts about her not knowing how lost we felt, but she always came through
loud and clear when we made a wrong turn............and always got us to our destination. Will I
ever get enough traveling????


Anonymous said...

I don't think you will ever get in enough travel! 333, Tiff

Nicci said...

Nope, I sure hope not! I love that you named your GPS...we always do that as elcs! We name GPS's, rental cars and the cell phones that help us navigate. Thanks for the Halloween card, I loved it!