Monday, November 24, 2008

Sad and Happy

A sad week for me, we buried my younger sister Dixie Lee. She was buried next to her husband
and youngest daughter. She had been ill for eight years with lung and breathing problems brought on from smoking since she was 16.......
A happy week for me, because my three girls and their families, sister, brother, friends and
relatives were very supportive with love and being there for me. Funerals seem to be times
for reunions and I saw many cousins, uncles and friends I hadn't seen for years.
I will not stay sad, I realize that every word I hear triggers a picture in my mind that results in a corresponding emotion. These pictures and feelings can be either supportive or debilitating.
Try cancer, death, accident, problem, pressure, failure, can't, won't , impossible,
Now try, vacation, play, Hawaii, love excitement, friends, trust, success, happiness, I can, I will.
Every word, however fleeting is a seed. When planted in your mind, each seed yields a positive or negative picture, along with a positive or negative feeling. I will be vigilant of the words I plant. I will enjoy all the good memories I have of my "little sister."

1 comment:

Nicci said...

Love you Gram! I've been thinking about you...and am so greatful to have you in my life!