Saturday, September 27, 2008

On The Road Again

Time is flying........and I am getting ready for another adventure! My sister and I are doing a
driving tour of the New England States to take in the Fall Foliage. I only have eight more of the
50 states to see in my life time and I hope to get all but two in on this trip. Will I ever see ND and Oaklahoma?...........
It is so important everyday not to just look........but to see! How big, how little, what color, far away or near, rough, smooth, hot or cold, so many things to look for and to record in our minds
to get the real picture.
Is there any sound at the time? Birds, wind, animals, people traffic, children or whatever.
What are the feelings you get when you see something? Happy, sad, at peace, scared, anxious,
secure, so many feelings to record. All this goes into a single picture you take or vision you see.
Realize it and enjoy. We are all visual, audio and kinestic, so use all these wonderful scenses. I intend to and hope to write about some of the new and different experience on this trip. We will drive for two weeks, stopping when and where we want and for as long as we want............aren't you jealous? No bossy husbands or kids.
Somewhere I read and always remember, like airplanes weren't made to just taxi down the run
way of life. They are designed to fly high in the sky, above the clouds, above the storms.
How many people do you know who spend their lives starting down the runway of life, reviving their engines, but afraid to take off? We were all designed to fly! But, so often we don't want to lose the security of keeping one foot on the ground. We HAVEN'T GOT THE GUTS TO GET OUT OF THE RUTS. The unique quality we each have going for us is not that we're equal, but that we are different!
I also want to congratulate my daughter on the publishing of her book. "The Power of a Penny,"
due out in 2009 to celebrate the 100 year birthday of the penny. She is not taxing any
more she has started to fly! inspiration!

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