Tuesday, April 12, 2022


Don't know why it is so hard to blog now days.....seems life is the same old ......same old day in and day out when you get old....hurt....and the weather is cold.  Patty came over this morning for a couple of hours.....we share all our problems....Tuesdays seem her day to visit.
Leslie had a new knee put in last Thursday and is starting her therapy program....Jim and I still hurting with various aches and pains and having April birthdays....Mine 90.....Jim 76.....the twins today 54 and grandson Ken 24 two days after mine....April a big family birthday month....The girls insist we do something for my big 9....0. Everything so expensive now days...gas....food....motels etc. I wanted nothing .......but agreed to a small open house with my neighbors and family close by.....with cake and ice cream period ......but we shall see what they have up their sleeves.  They are sweet daughters and I appreciate their love and caring...I guess 90 years  IS a long time.....and thankgoodness....I still have most my marbles.


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